Thursday, February 02, 2006

Working Out for Life

Current research now indicates 60 - 90 minutes per day of some motion activity with some degree of elevated heart rate is good for you. With work mostly at the computer, it is difficult to stay active, but, walk at lunch, walk to talk instead of phone, park far away, practice inefficiency (ie. bring one bag of groceries in from the car at a time), use the stairs, not the elevator, etc. all work now that the kids are out of the house. A list of sports activities (not all are Olympic sports at this time) practiced during my lifetime so far include:

1966 - 1970 Judo, Baseball
1971 - 1974 Football, Skiing
1975 - 1982 Karate, RacketBall, Skiing
1982 - 1986 Rock Rolling, Earth Moving, Baby Making & Tending
1987 - 1990 Running, Gardening, Strollering
1991 - 1993 Soccer, Weightlifting
1994 - 1997 Running
1998 - 2000 Horse Riding & Jumping
2001 - 2004 Cross Country Skiing
2005 - 2006 Aerobics, Snowshoeing, Walking


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