Friday, December 16, 2005


DECEMBER 16, 2005 Business Week Insight By Jeneanne Rae
Innovation from a Standing Start There is no simple way to implement new procedures. But if the process is thought through and well handled, the dividends can be huge.

An interesting article considering the holistic company versus individual efforts to bring innovation to the market...


Developing systemic innovation capabilities requires concentration on four management areas, or "buckets": Leadership, Process, People, and Leverage. Each of these buckets contains issues that must be tackled and mastered, each highly interdependent on the others. For example, it's virtually impossible for a company to build a "culture of innovation" (which I put in the People bucket) without adequate Leadership to make it happen. Doing deals with outside parties (a common practice for innovators that I bucket under Leverage) would be extremely difficult without Process to bring things together into an operating agreement.